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Agrobiológica Sustentabilidade, receives the Mais Integridade Seal, provided by MAPA

10 de January de 2023

São Paulo, January 03, 2023 – Agrobiológica Sustentabilidade, a Crop Care holding company, was recognized with the Mais Integridade Seal, provided by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), for its performance in the 21/22 cycle.   Agrobiológica won the award in the “Green Seal” modality, which identifies the companies that receive it for the first time. For […]

Leading Brazilian ag inputs retailer Lavoro and soil metagenomics leader Pattern Ag launch exclusive partnership to predict crop risks and nutrient deficiencies for farmers in Brazil

25 de November de 2022

● Lavoro is Brazil’s largest agricultural inputs retailer and one of the leading providers of agriculture biologics inputs; Pattern Ag’s unique soil metagenomics and digital agronomy platform predict crop risks and nutrient deficiencies, provide product recommendations to farmers ● Under the partnership, Lavoro and Pattern Ag plan to deliver services to Latin American farmers that use DNA […]