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Lavoro, the first agricultural inputs distributor in Latin America to have its shares listed on Nasdaq, has just announced the expansion of its partnership with Morgan, LongPing High-Tech’s hybrid seed brand, for two more investments: Agrovenci Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Tocantins, and América Insumos, in the North and East Clusters. The brand’s products are already available at the dealers to serve the clients of Safrinha 24. 

With more than 10 years in the market, Morgan is a reference in hybrids that have high production potential, leaf health, grain quality, high health to the complex of viruses and fungal diseases, tolerance to water stress, among other characteristics. The brand is present in the main producing regions of Brazil, efficiently meeting the sector’s demands and is the second best-selling brand in the Brazilian corn crop. 

Lavoro is already a partner of the company in other investments, and the goal now is to expand business to other clusters. “As a distributor, we seek to establish partnerships with highly qualified players, who invest in technology and seek a more sustainable agriculture. Morgan meets our goals, and will enhance our portfolio, bringing the best solutions to farmers who are customers of Agrovenci and América Insumos,” says Luciano Albernaz, Director of Seeds of Lavoro. 

Still according to the executive, this is a market with great potential for expansion throughout the country. According to estimates by the National Supply Company (Conab), adding the three harvests of the grain in the year, the corn production for the 22/23 harvest should exceed 126 million tons. 

“We increasingly want to offer the rural producer the best solutions and experiences with our seeds. The expanded partnership with Lavoro reflects this. The objective is to simplify the sales logistics, so that the customer has access to Morgan’s entire portfolio of hybrids in their region”, says Ana Nascimento, Morgan’s National Marketing Manager. 

Growing in the seed market 

Lavoro generated R$ 1 billion in seed sales during the 21/22 crop year. The company expects to continue expanding its market presence throughout Brazil in the coming cycles.

“The seed segment is highly representative in our sales. In this sense, we seek to further expand its participation, investing in new Distribution Centers and evaluating new business opportunities, whether with restricted distribution or private label products,” reiterates Albernaz.

The partnership with Morgan contemplates the corn crop, but Lavoro also works with other types of seeds, such as soy, wheat, millet, sorghum, and other cover crops. 

About Lavoro

Lavoro is the largest distributor of agricultural inputs in Brazil and the first in Latin America to be listed on Nasdaq, the American stock exchange, under the tickers “LVRO” and “LVROW”. With a complete portfolio of products and services, the company empowers farmers to adopt innovative technologies and boost productivity. Founded in 2017, Lavoro has a wide geographic presence, operating in Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay, serving about 72,000 customers, through its physical presence, in its more than 210 stores distributed in Latin America and with a team of more than 1,000 technical sales consultants, and digital, with its marketplace. Learn more about Lavoro at here

About LongPing High-Tech

LongPing High-Tech is a CITIC Group company and is among the three largest in share of the Brazilian safrinha market. Its portfolio, the result of constant investments in research and technology, includes hybrids that offer stability, high yield potential, and meet the needs of the farmer with agility. Today, its Morgan, Forseed, and Tevo brands are recognized by the market for excellence in products, technology, and technical support.

Press Information:

Hill + Knowlton Brasil

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