Lavoro, the first agricultural input distributor in Latin America to have its shares listed on the Nasdaq, the American stock exchange, has just announced changes to the structure of the company’s Services and B2B area: Guilherme Augusto Rosa Nascimento, currently Corporate Marketing Manager, has just taken over the management of the Services and New Business area, reporting to Gustavo Modenesi, VP Director of B2B and Services at Lavoro, accumulating two managements.
Rosa has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Cuiabá and an MBA in Marketing and Sales from the IBG Business School. The manager has over 12 years’ experience in agribusiness and has been part of the Lavoro team for almost ten years.
“It’s an honor to take on this new challenge within Lavoro. I’ve been part of the company for almost a decade, and every year the company reinvents itself in terms of growth and innovation. I’m motivated to continue collaborating with the company’s growth, offering modern and secure services to generate value for our clients,” he concludes.
About Lavoro
Lavoro is the largest distributor of agricultural inputs in Brazil and the first in Latin America to be listed on Nasdaq, the American stock exchange, under the tickers “LVRO” and “LVROW”. With a complete portfolio of products and services, the company empowers farmers to adopt innovative technologies and boost productivity. Founded in 2017, Lavoro has a wide geographic presence, operating in Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay, serving about 74,000 customers, through its physical presence, in its more than 220 stores distributed in Latin America and with a team of more than 1,000 technical sales consultants, and digital, with its marketplace. Learn more about Lavoro at here.
Press Information:
Hill + Knowlton Brasil
Gisele Gomes | + 55 11 99103-0946
Thiago Salles | +55 11 95602-8627 [email protected]