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Foto de agricultora na plantação de soja

The ninth estimate of the 2021/2022 grain crop, disclosed in June by the National Supply Company (CONAB), expects the production of grains in Brazil to amount to 271.3 million tons, which is a record-breaking volume.

The figures point to a growth of 6.2% compared to the previous season. Corn recovered its production by 32.3%, representing 112.8 million tons.

Soybeans, occupying the top position in terms of volume, are expected to reach 124.3 million tons. As for cotton, a harvest of 2.8 million tons is expected for lint alone, an increase of 19.3% in relation to the previous harvest. Rice should reach 10.6 million tons.

Regarding the planted area, the current crop amounts to 73.7 million hectares, representing a growth of 5.7% in relation to the previous year.

As for the market, corn exports are forecast to grow 77.8% in relation to the previous harvest, at estimated 37 million tons. 75.25 million tons of soybean are expected to ship out. Even in a year where weather conditions affected soybean and corn production, mainly in the south of the country and in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazilian farmers have been responsible for a record-breaking harvest.